What can I say about this goddess that all previous reviews ...? Beyond the initial misunderstanding about our appointment following our exchanges by SMS, at the opening of the door, it's an emotional shock as her photos are far to honor her, there is no adjective existing to describe ... She's dangerous to our mind and heart! She quickly became a drug which can not be happening ...! Side massage is the custom that I keep to myself but to the lack of FK damage that we understand very well following her attention to hygiene. For my eyes, she has one of the most beautiful ass in the world! Respect her and will reward you a hundredfold. To see and review and revise again!
Alexxya jette la poudre magique dans vos yeux, une fois que vous êtes en face d'elle vous êtes totalement captivé par sa féminité, sa beauté a des charmes très envoutante ; avec sa manière calme et tranquille elle vous conduit dans sa sensualité ceremononial. ce n'est surtout pas ce qu'elle fait mais comment elle fait. Je dirais qu'elle est une jeune priestress de l'amour et sur son alter je suis élevés dans les plus haut des cieux. Avec elle ,Je ne souhiate pas parler du massage de la manière habituelle ou banale mais dans un remerciement e m'avoir accordées refuge dans son merveilleux temple corporel . Merci Alexxya pour ce que tu es vraiment...un Ange......................Alexxya throws magic dust into your eyes, once you 're in front of her you're totaly captivated by her feminity, her beauty has very special charms to it with her calm and quiet way of leading you into her ceremononial sensuality. its not about what she does but about how she does it. i would say she is a Young priestress of love, and on her alter i would like to be elevated into the highest heavens. i do not want to talk about the massage with her in the usual banal way but in thankfullness for having offered me her marvellous refuging bodily temple. kisses to you my beautiful creature of love.