These girls Ms B. and Ms C. are real divas when gathered in the very same room ! They do take of your body and jewelry as if you were the only man on earth. You immediately get the feeling to be red meat in the jaws of a group of hungry sharks. A total delight to say the least. Not only they cherish as bodyguards what men consider the most important part on their body - and it is not the brain - but they take care of each other as would do a real couple. Unrestricted recommendation to these young and gentle girls who complement very nicely. Nikola
Super rencontre avec la belle Bella encore mieux en vrai que les photos! Petit gabarit taille fine peau bronzées et douce.... timide mais sympathique une fois le contact etabli..... massage assez classique mais super efficace!!!! J'y retournerai avec plaisir a son passage ds la ville rose! Merci bella it was so great....