You are what nature has made most beautiful. I was totally hooked. Impossible not to think of you anymore after this magical moment. I wish to see you again soon. It was very difficult for me to close the door of your flat and go back to reality. Was it real. I think it could be as perfect as it was only in my best dreams. And you will haunt my dreams for long time.
Ragazza fantastica!!! Cassie è fantastica, Cassie è adorabile nelle sue foto, solo meglio nella vita reale. Lei è semplicemente stupenda ....È stata molto gentile ed è stato facile chiacchierare con lei (va bene l'inglese), quindi ero sempre più entusiasta di ciò che sarebbe successo. Quando abbiamo parlato di alcuni gusti sessuali, Cassie si è alzata e ha iniziato a togliersi il vestito. Aveva ancora quel bellissimo sorriso sul viso per tutto il tempo. Quando si è avvicinata, si è premuta contro di me e io le ho fatto scorrere le mani addosso, amando la sua pelle liscia e il suo seno vivace... Ha davvero fornito un GFE eccezionale. Fantastic girl!!! Cassie is amazing, Cassie is adorable in her photos, only better in real life. She is just gorgeous....She was very kind and easy to chat with (English is fine), so I was more and more excited about what was to come. When we talked about some sexual tastes, Cassie stood up and started taking off her dress. He still had that beautiful smile on his face the whole time. As she came closer, she pressed herself against me and I ran my hands all over her, loving her smooth skin and perky breasts... She really provided some great GFE.