Juste un merveilleux MERCI. J'ai adoré le temps passé avec Emma. 100% réel et un admirable humour. Aucun problème de communication. l'anglais aide. Encore une fois merci pour ce moment très agréable. J'espère te revoir une prochaine fois sur Saint Etienne.
What can I say ? First I realized my dream because I knew I would meet Sheherazade, princess of one thousand and one night. She is so much ....so much all. So pretty, sweet with humor and spirit. Happy this man who will be able to conquer this angel of love. Not me, too old ! ;) not only...second I am happy to have understood some German things in my life since 2006 and Emma just confirmed to me that perfect woman exists and not only physically or sexual attitude. She is really a nice young woman. Now I can dead in peace if I can write this expression. Maybe I will see you again Emma, I hope. Many Kisses and take care. Grazie mille