There are several categories of good girls. On the top you have the queen category. Karina belongs to this one. I have met her last summer and since then I never lose any of her tours in Toulouse. Today was the sixth time I had that privilege to meet her. Always charmed by her classy smile. You feel privileged from the moment you get into her world. Her skin is as sweet as a baby's skin. Her face is an angel’s face. And if you are fan of good massage you will get the experience of your life. Social time is my favorite as you can speak with her of anything, she very cultivated. Meeting Karina is the shortest path to happiness, a sunny break in this cold winter. This girl is really unique. Thank you my queen
Cette fille a une ame lumineuse, un visage d'ange et un corps de reve.Traitez la avec douceur. Je la reverrai surement si l'occasion se presente a nouveau. Mais, je luis souhaite un autre avenir. Elle merites toutes les roses du monde. Les roses j'ai dis.