Elle a tout d’une mannequin : silhouette, allure, classe. Et elle a tout de la femme parfaite avec une énorme envie de faire plaisir (elle y arrive sans problème) et un goût prononcé pour tout ce qui est en rapport au charnel. Sa garde-robe est affriolante pour ne rien gâcher à la fête. En résumé une femme très désirable qui est à la hauteur des espoirs suscités !
Adriana is a beautiful intelligent Spanish girl with a serious skill for massages figuratively and literally speaking. I was pretty tired (I am actually for I'm writing this just after seeing her) so I was not as much into it as I should have but she managed to easy my fatigue with the nicest massage (a real one) I've had in several years.
Her apartment is good without being exceptional but has very few to no light, a good lamp would be a nice touch still I'm kind of hopping that my schedule allows me to see her again.
@Adriana : as I was saying to you at the end of the meeting, no rest for me today :(