Date de rencontre Membre Ville Apparence Massage
14.06.2015 leet1337

1 Évaluations


About the meeting:

Place: À son appartement
Durée: 90 minutes
Cadeau: 400

Apparence et Services:

Apparence: 10.0
Massage: 10.0
Rating: 93.5
Massage: Enthousiaste
Plusieurs Massages: Oui, plusieurs fois
Poitrine: Réels
Attitude: Amicale
Conversation: Intelligente
Disponibilité: Normal
Photos: Photo 100% réelle


Well what can I say ... Being a great fan of large breasts, I was worried hers was just not the same as on the pics and fake. Believe me or not, they are freaking big beautiful and natural. And really nice to play with. I had just such a great time with her. If I could rate her more than 10-10 I would. She is just the girl every single man dreams of. Physically, and mentally speaking : she is so open minded. Top-notch girl, really. Will meet her again in the near future and I warmly recommend her. Kiss Mariana.

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