She's a totally natural beauty, with incredible charisma and personality, as well as very sexy and hot at the time of action. She's someone you will more than likely want to see several times. Obviously, as you may tell, it is important to be a fluent english speaker, otherwise the conversation may stagnate a little. Mary, keep the great vibe you showed during our encounter, albeit brief I will definitely remember it. Kisses, the guy from the other side of the ocean.
je n'en rajouterai pas sur les commentaires precedents, qui m'ont décidé à aller voir Mary. Allez-y! jamais je n'ai été accueilli avec autant de FK, et une telle douceur et tendresse! Mary a bien volontiers accepté mes demandes, montré du plaisir, et donné sans souci aussi. La discussion très sympathique qui a suivi m'a vraiment donné envie de la revoir. Prenez soin d'une jeune déesse nature, honnete et très sexy ! Mary, thanks for your welcoming, full of FK (first time I'm received that way, you're the best on it :-)). We really shared pleasure, so what else ? Our social time afterwards was so sympathic, and encouraged me to meet you again, as I said. Surely if you come back in winter, I will keep my promise...until then please take care of you and don't change anything, you're nearly perfect !!Kisses, Pascal