I met Monique this day again after a long break. Definitely this girl has a lot to offer. Authentic and not bootlegged. Flexible enough to fit into GFE or PSE styles on request. She delivered an excellent somewhat twisted session and more importantly she loves when at it. Meeting her again is already in my plans as feeling was high and hot.
nikola jercwithBison
Oulalala bon ben elle c'est oui direct quand elle repasse dans le coin.
Je vais dire on s'est éclaté tous les deux je dis on car il ya eu un feeling super gfe et qui s'est transformé engfe très hot entre nous deux.On a même parler ensemble après le meeting.
Monique you're in my top ,love you when you are like this morning.take care and see you soon.
The guy who you're thinking I 'm not come.