Date de rencontre Membre Ville Apparence Massage
30.01.2015 walter06

3 Évaluations


About the meeting:

Place: À son Hôtel
Durée: 1 heures

Apparence et Services:

Apparence: 10.0
Massage: 10.0
Rating: 93.0
Attitude: Amicale
Conversation: Intelligente
Disponibilité: Facile de réserver
Photos: Photo 100% réelle


My first and certainly last review: with Serena, it was a magical and too short moment. This lovely and smart woman managed within a time to fill my lack of affection... Serena, hope you'll accomplish your dreams and have a good trip. I'll meet you with great pleasure when you'll come back. Confirmed: it was the Boss perfume, but the blue one ;)

Escorte commentaire pour cette évaluation:

Thank you my dear I got a very good time with u too Will be happy to see you again Tender Kiss :)

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