Date de rencontre Membre Ville Apparence Massage
28.05.2015 nikola

955 Évaluations , 640 Commentaires


About the meeting:

Place: À son appartement
Durée: 60 minutes

Apparence et Services:

Apparence: 9.0
Massage: 10.0
Rating: 95.4
Massage: Enthousiaste
Plusieurs Massages: Oui, plusieurs fois
Poitrine: Réels
Attitude: Amicale
Conversation: Normal
Disponibilité: Facile de réserver
Photos: Photo 100% réelle


Same restrictions as PART I are in force in PART II Yep GFE guys away! as it starts now. PART II BEGINS / As was told in PART I, Marisha is a genuine PSE and very talented in many respects. Her pics do not fully reflect her dark sides. I could not refrain meeting her again for a Hot Hot session. It was nighttime and she greeted me in a very different costume. Not limit FKs as a good start. Her mouth is a total delight. Those who have met her can see what I mean. A pure enjoyment. Action was memorable as she was eager and hungry to please me again and was more in confidence. Really a top discovery that I won't hesitate to replay when around. END OF PART II / playherAgain

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