Date de rencontre Membre Ville Apparence Massage
28.11.2012 nikola

955 Évaluations , 640 Commentaires


About the meeting:

Place: À son appartement
Durée: 60 minutes

Apparence et Services:

Apparence: 9.5
Massage: 8.5
Rating: 93.6
Attitude: Amicale
Conversation: Normal
Disponibilité: Facile de réserver
Photos: Photo 100% réelle


Beautiful astonishing young brunette with long-long legs and slim waist. Top-model type for short. Built to please over and over ... a true enhancement of the pictures as she has really awesome face and soft skin. Very hot and wild when confined to the room space, and does not hesitate to showcase all her features and talents. Certainly a must do in all respects. A kinky girl with a gentle smile. Receipt: take time for the warm-up to benefit of the best and to travel cool. Nikola onSkype Yahoo

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