Date de rencontre Membre Ville Apparence Massage
05.06.2021 wisenerd

65 Évaluations , 55 Commentaires


About the meeting:

Place: À son appartement
Durée: 60 minutes

Apparence et Services:

Apparence: 10.0
Massage: 10.0
Rapport: qualité/roses: 10.0
Rating: 95.9
Massage: Enthousiaste
Plusieurs Massages: J'ai voulu seulement un
Poitrine: Réels
Attitude: Amicale
Conversation: Intelligente
Disponibilité: Facile de réserver
Photos: Photo 100% réelle


This is my fourth meeting with Nadia, it is super to see her each time and it is a 10 out of ten. It is really wonderful to see her transform from a cute cat in social time to a strong tigress while in bed. It was a gym session while the sport clubs are still not open for public. What a sweet discovery.

Escortes Privilège